Mass Medical Strains

Mass Medical Strains is a collective of atoms working together in living harmony creating a unique positive vibration. All plants are grown and bred 100% organically with no additives. We believe in copying nature as much as possible, to stay wholesome and true to our souls, health, and the environment. Most plants are grown with nothing but soil and water, as nature intended.

We have come out into the community because of so much local positive feedback and demand, as well as an international presence where our purple strains have been gaining attention as some of the most stable, potent, and enjoyable new varieties. This is all a hobby, a side project in life. It is not done with money as a goal, and therefore all actions are done as a labor of love. The vibes translate to the plants, as they are grown and bred with good intentions and a positive wholesome energy that passes on to anyone who comes in contact with them. Each plant is harvested with a spoken prayer, giving the plant wholesome intentions and positive vibes. We follow no religion, we just believe in the energy of the universe as a complex, interconnected force.
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