Sonoran Seed Company

Working with this scared plant in the southwest desert brings different challenges and rewards. The skillset to excel in the desert is a trait learned over many years, and the team at Sonoran Seed Company has seen a bit of everything along the way. We have benefitted from proximity to the SoCal region and the wealth of genetics that flow through Riverside, CA in particular, as well as being lucky enough to see many tropical exotics from points south.

Sonoran Seed Company has created a unique approach to producing boutique cannabis that shines through in its selections. No run is too big when we vet out promising cultivars that have that “edge”, and the result is always an outlier. We create plants that excel in this climate and produce some of the most unexpected terpene profiles and effects found anywhere!

With Sonoran Seed Company, you should expect the unexpected!

Sonoran Seed Company is a proud member of the Cannatasia Cooperative, a group of expert breeders dedicated to cultivating exceptional heirloom cannabis seeds while maintaining a low profile.

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