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Michigan Medley F1 (Stonerberry x Peanut Butter Breath) 7 Feminized Seeds


3Thirteen Seeds Michigan Medley F1 7 Feminized Photoperiod Seeds

Availability: 1 in stock

0.00067 0.00067
0.02824 0.02824
59.00000 59.00000
0.63054 0.63054
59.00295 59.00295
0.17789 0.17789
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“Michigan Medley” Fems (Stonerberry x Peanut Butter Breath) F1

A 3Thirteen Seeds original strain dubbed “Stonerberry” was crossed with Thug Pug’s Peanut Butter Breath and the outcome is a true harmonious pairing. The fresh berry smells do a fantastic job of not getting buried in the creamy earthy notes that are prominent in the Peanut Butter Breath. An amazing mix of terpenes and buzz wrapped up in a heavy-yielding Sativa dominant strain.

Average flower time of 9-10 weeks indoors.

“Michigan Medley” is a feminized-only strain and comes in packs of 7+ photoperiod seeds. 

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