Golden Coast Genetics’ Garlic Skunk is a BX photoperiod cross of (Vghani x Chem D) x (Manice X Irene).
Arguably, this has got to be one of the most absolutely DANK strains on the planet. Back in the 90’s you might have caught a whiff of this stuff burning in a joint—from the other side of a stadium during a packed rock concert! How about trying to take some of these buds home in an old-style plastic sandwich bag while riding public transportation? Everyone would be staring at you, thinking you were carrying a backpack filled with rotting garlic bulbs packed with a dead skunk or holding some of the very best Kind available.
Plants grow vigorously and are fairly well-branched. They are ideal for growing out as large plants and suitable for outdoors in most locations, indoors, and thrive in greenhouses. Garlic Skunk seeds produce plants that deliver outstanding yields. Buds can be fairly large and with good density.
This strain reliably resists common cropping problems and does very well in the greenhouse. It also shows strong resistance to foliar issues, even in humid environments.
Indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse a crop of Garlic Skunk from our seeds is going to be HIGHLY odiferous; no two ways about it! Good odor control or excellent relations with neighbors are recommended when growing out this one.
Garlic Skunk thrives in a wide array of growing systems, whether you prefer organic soils or deep water culture.
Under lights indoors, plants tend to finish in less than 8 weeks. Outdoors, her bountiful and extremely pungent buds are ready by mid-October at most northern latitudes. Garlic Skunk is also very well suited to black-out systems for forced early flowering as she stays relatively compact and resists foliar problems well.
Flowering Time: 7 to 8 weeks
10 Regular Photoperiod Seeds per pack!
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